I sit here trying to put my thoughts together and I keep coming back to my students. Maybe it is because Thanksgiving just passed or maybe it is because I just finished teaching two classes a couple of hours ago. Either way, I reflect on what my students are. As I teach, I look out to each person and see an amazing potential and unlimited spirit. We join together, even for a short period of time, and walk a bit of our path together. I first heard one of my teachers long ago state that their students were their best teacher. At the moment, I guess I really didn't completely understand what that meant. Each class I teach, I am offered a little more of the wisdom in that simple phrase. My students are my best teacher.
No matter how stressful, outrageous or frustrating my day turned out to be, walking into that studio changes everything. It clears the slate and wipes away the troubles. My mind begins to clear and my heart begins to warm.
With much reverence and respect, I bow to you every time you step upon your mat, every time you face the present moment, every time you allow me to learn from you. As a teacher, I am continually in awe at the brilliance of those I am so lucky to encounter in class and out. I wish to thank you for each smile, each moment of understanding and the opening of your heart to allow mine to open even more then I thought it could.